

This tag is associated with 91 posts

The perfect religion of islam.

Muslims claims that islam is perfect, but this perfect religion has 73 different sects, and each sect believes that the rest of the 72 sects are wrong and they kill each other over the quest for who is the true muslim. so who is the true muslim? which sect? even if you say that you … Continue reading

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Quranic Science

Moon in the midst of seven skies Quran 71:15-16 Stars in the lower/nearest skies Quran 37:6 There are supposedly seven skies and seven earths Quran 65:12 Semen comes from the backbone and ribs Quran 86:7 There is nothing ‘asexual’. Everything is created in pairs. Quran 51:49 Man thinks with Breast (Heart) Quran 11:5 Stars are … Continue reading

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Tips on winning debates for muslims

‎1. Always keep your CAPS Lock on. This way your post will be difficult to read and no one will be able to answer. 2. Whenever someone comes up with a verse from Quran that make you unable to defend, say that it is out of CONTEXT. 3. Whenever someone comes up with a Hadith … Continue reading

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How to be a Good Muslim

Six Easy Steps 1. First, you must want to believe in a Creator. Of course, the only name for a Creator is Allah. 2. Next, understand that believing in Allah in the absence of evidence is especially Noble. 3. Then, realize that the human ability to believe in Allah in the absence of evidence might … Continue reading

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A Journey to the Truth

I was born in a religious deobandi family. Few of my relatives are among the top scholars of Pakistan. I am 29 and I was a very very practicing muslim till last month. I was always surrounded by practicing muslims and my dream was to make people realize the benefits of shariah. I was working … Continue reading

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Hadiths that allow lying following the guidance by Islamic prophet Mohammad: Sahih Muslim/Hadith Book 032, Number 6303: …”Shihab said he did not hear that exemption was granted in anything what the people speak as lie but in three cases: in battle, for bringing reconciliation amongst persons and the narration of the words of the husband … Continue reading

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Women under Sharia Law

Books have been published alleging the equality of women in Islam. Now there may be many so-called “Islams”, but when you compare what is foisted on the pubic with the Islam of Mohammed in the Qur’an and hadiths, the contrast is great. Sharia, or Islamic Law, has been seriously proposed as the answer to the … Continue reading

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Mariyah the Sex Slave of the holy Prophet

The following is Muhammad’s scandalous love affair with Mariyah the Copt who was one of the prophet’s wives’ maids. Muhammad slept with her without any ceremony, which caused uproar among his wives and finally was settled by Divine intervention.  This story is recorded in an authenticated Hadith and is reported by Omar. This Hadith is describing … Continue reading

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The truth about Islam

this is the truth about islam, this is the true islam, and todays “moderate” muslims forget it, they hate to see it, ofcos no one wants to hear the truth. but muslims this is the truth

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One-night stand

Who needs sex in a hurry but does not want to go through the elaborate ritual of marriage and the payment of expensive dower? Of course, many people would love to have this kind of quickie sex without much obligations. No wonder that there are so many women engaged in the world’s oldest profession just to … Continue reading

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